Monday, August 27, 2007
All hail District Judge Earnest Lau
yeah baby! u da best! District Judge Earnest Lau, u da man!
dear readers, please join in the xedo petition. u can access it thru the little bar beneath my flashbox.
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
3:25 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Join the Odex Rebellion!
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
10:37 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
life is about the choices you make
i feel rather cheated. after several occasions of bugging my boss, i finally realise that... it is quite impossible for me to move anywhere in this company. he has subtly yet almost obviously indicated this impossibility. so, after this year's bonus, it's time to move on. or so i plan...
with almost zilch corporate experience, moderate amounts of political skill, and loads of how-to-while-your-day-away ideas gained, i now have to decide what sort of skill(s) to input into my soon-to-be-malfunctioning-brain which could help me in future purposeful undertakings. since practically nothing corporate interests me, i have narrowed down the choice to 2 - further my japanese studies or break into cosmetology (haha in layman's terms go learn to be a beautician).
due to the fact that i possess keen fondness toward japanese culture, and also because it was the ONLY enjoyable module i had in NUS (and the ONLY one i actually flipped thru texts and did homework for =.=) and since most ppl say i look jappy, why not really BE jappy? haha.
choice #2 is take up cosmetology. i do enjoy squeezing pimples and plucking hair (i can't stop till i've bloodied up the whole face) and even mani/pedi. hell i believe the theoretical portions of the course won't even break me a sweat. the anatomy of the human face... BAH~! how to 难倒 someone who got A1 for biology without even studying for it... (sibei tyco... sidetrack abit... for those who know me long enuff, remember how i screwed up my chem and bio O lvl dates... wanted to give up bio and pia chem but turned up for my chem paper holding my bio text. sheesh) unfortunately, performing these tasks leisurely VS for my ricebowl makes a great deal offa difference. but mummy has a friend who's willing to teach me... highly sought after by the rich taitais of HK... quite a good deal hor...
ends up, i've decided to pursue my JLPT 3 cert end of this yr... first... we'll see how later... i might get distracted halfway again... such is me... =p
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
9:31 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
slam dunked!
had a quick game of bball with lg yesterday... oKAY la... u look shuai when u play la, happy? heeheee... (minus the fact that when u run around ur chubby cheeks bounce up and down as well)
yea... i miss playing netball and i miss my favourite P.E. classes! i was never one who'd feign illness to skip P.E. haha
i think it's time... time to start an exercise regime! dammit less than half an hour of not running around the court gave me aching quads... weak. my almost-brand-new-and-quite-expensive blades are just rotting away in the boot of my car... time to take them out to air le hor? and nono i refuse to go blading with u lg... PAWR! GO WITH ME! budden i'd probably have a hard time catching up with u. heh
time to sit down and draw up a plan... and this time, NIKE! (in other words, just do it.)
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
11:34 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
cliched but it makes sense
excerpts from Dr. -Learn to trust again — by trusting yourself. Dr. Phil tells a man who's having a hard time letting women back into his life: "Trust is not about how much you trust one person or another to do right or wrong. How much you trust another person is a function of how much you trust yourself to be strong enough to deal with their imperfections." Have enough faith in yourself to be able to put yourself on the line with someone, without any guarantee of what will happen next. If you're playing the game with sweaty palms, it's because you're afraid of what you can or can't do, or dealing with your own imperfections — it's not about the other person.
Know that you will get hurt if you're in a relationship. There is no perfect person without flaws. Even a well-intended guy is going to hurt his partner. He's going to hurt your feelings. He's going to say things that you don't want him to say. He's going to do things you wish he wouldn't do and not do things you wish he would do. A relationship is an imperfect union between two willing spirits who say, ''I'd rather be in a relationship and share my life, share my joys, share my fun, share my activities, share my life than do it alone." If you want to be in a relationship, know that getting hurt comes with the territory. You just have to decide that you are durable enough, that you have enough confidence in yourself that you can handle it.
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
12:30 PM
punctured ego
i am a horrible person. i never learn from my mistakes. yes, i ache and torment myself when i do something wrong. but, when things are all better, it's as though they've never happened. how come i am able to accomplish such amnesiatic feats?
i'm sorry i punctured ur ego.
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
9:14 AM