Saturday, February 17, 2007
the reason for blogging
wat is the reason you blog? to share your life with others? to present a different perspective? or to hide the real you?
for me, it really is abit of all 3.
i don't see a point if you can't say what you mean, cos ppl noe this blog belongs to you so you can't rant as you would. if that's the point then just get a real diary or smtg... hmm... maybe i should but i'm too blardy lazy to write with a pen.
wat's wrong with wanting to do things your own way? wat's wrong with not listening to other people? if u think wat ure thinking is right, then wat's wrong with going ahead with it? if other ppl cannot convince you otherwise, then ure just being stubborn? is it so wrong to stand up for wat you believe in? (am i good at making myself believe in myself or wat?)
wat is the point, of having a boyfriend who is always out to pick a fight with u? okay right now i can picture him saying "look who's talking" fine. y have a boyfriend who'll always entertain you in starting a fight? isn't he the one to help calm u down, sweet talk you and make ur temper go away, instead of adding oil to the fire?
wat's the point in continuing a relationship, when i am always pinning fault on him, and i'm always assuming that i'm right and he's wrong, and he's always unhappy about it, and everything he does for me, i dun do for him, and everything i dun do for him, he's unhappy about. funny, y is he still holding on?
don't you think, that if he's not the right person, you should be decisive and put your foot down sooner and look for someone else because u noe u dun have much time left?
y am i upset and complaining and yet, still waiting for him to do something to appease me?
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
2:47 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
bubbleshare sucks man
haiz... been trying to upload my pics... budden... after uploading onto Bubbleshare for god knows how long... ends up there are only 3 pics in my album! @#$%!!
can someone teach meeeeeee...pweeeeese... how to make those nicenice albums... like got thumbnails den u mouse-over can enlarge or smtg those kinds... :D
anyway... i have 2 important things to say.... no wait, 3 impt things
- Thank you baby, for the wonderful (ahem) vday dinner u made me...
- Thank you baby, for spending ur half day off helping me ferry my car to and fro sinming
- Lastly, I forgive you baby, for scrapping off the paint on my bumper. (GRRRRR)
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
9:48 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
in honour of ~orh kee~
this is darling little orh kee... look at that orh kee on orh kee... doesn't it remind u of my baby? sigh... love at first sight but apparently i'd have to move out to adopt her... which i certainly plan to... maybe next yr thou... hope orh kee's still around... anyway... for feline aficianados do visit the cat welfare society to help out... well, only if ure really serious and mummy doesn't object to it. haiz
since i can't have the real deal, i suppose i'll go overboard with virtual pets! haha... saw pork's bloopbloop so went to take a look...
"ladies and gentlemen, i present to you...... orh kee!"
*note you can take her outta the basket... so freakin cute hor!
shan rui and pork (no offence porky) are just so... erm.... edible or smtg... muahahaha
♥ bubbles SUBTLY fUnKy.
10:27 AM